Divine Harmony
The biological nature of men and women follow different cosmogonies. They obey to a different set of time and a different sensitivity. As there are two natural biologies, there are also two kinds of societies. The matriarchal society which is believed to be the oldest and most natural one, and the patriarchal society that developed later. Matriarchal societies can be matrilineal or patrilineal, what means that the heritage is transferred from the mother or from the father, or even the brother of the mother. The patriarchal societies usually transfer the heritage from father to son. Some societies transfer the heritage to the youngest son while some others transfer the heritage to the oldest son. Heritage means the house, the lands, the name and the belongings. There is no word to mention the transfer of heritage from the father to the daughter, except that it may be, accordingly to some cultures, "a mistake" or "an accident". In some cases, having a daughter is perceived as a disgrace from nature.
The old matriarchal system has disappeared and slowly replaced with a patriarchal system, except in some places of Africa and Asia where primitive tribes were still alive during the XXth century. Some families in developed countries are transferring the heritage from the mother, but this is seldom and symbolic since most the rules of inheritance are dictated from the laws of the country, except in Native American confederations and Indian reserves where they can apply their own laws. Black American are also considered matriarchal for the most, but matriarchy is taboo and in conflict with patriarchy. Most black success stories are those who turned away from their roots and matriarchy is more a role than an inheritance system.

In the Bible, when Eve has eaten from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil", she has developed her judgement and she offered the fruit to Adam who has developed equally a judgement. Both were not of the same gender and they started to argue. The trouble banned them from heaven. Accordingly to the various interpretations, some religions will say that the sin was initiated from Eve who have eaten of the fruit of knowledge. Having the knowledge, she could develop an argument that God was good or was evil. Then, as say the story, she offered the fruit to Adam. Adam argued that he was made first and the exact replica of God. Since God had banned her sin, the story says that Adam did equally the same. He infantilized himself in the belief that Eve was the cause of his troubles, and women, more generally, are perceived by the patriarchal religions as inferior, maligns and dangerous for the society. This continues to be used on modern days as justification for patriarchal systems to take the control of the society.
If I would interpret the Bible, I would say that Eve, as a matriarch, was driven by her biology. She was a mother and she was a leader and she was taking initiatives. She acquired the knowledge and the power of gathering food, the power to medicate herself and her family. She could also command what would become a clan and she could advise, mediate or even condemn. Adam was a progenitor without even knowing. It took thousand of years for the proto-historic men to develop a sense of paternity and to know their responsibility making a woman pregnant. Since Adam is an allegory, we can imagine some men in the past were like the men are today. Some of them take responsibilities while others do not.
A society who can manage the husbandry of a livestock knows to perceive the sense of the paternity from a progenitor, but not all the men are taking this responsibility. It's only the pressure from the clan and the society that dictates the rules of fatherhood, and those rules become heavier in geographic zones that generate conflicts because patriarchy usually need a lot of blood to grow its armies and defend its territory. The females, in patriarchy, become their main resource for troops.

The spirituality of matriarchy and of patriarchy are different and many men who live in a patriarchal system have an opinion on matriarchy that affects most female. If we come back to the story of the Bible, what they fear is the judgement, the fact that their biology make them different. The fact that their sexuality make them different. Since they don't want to be judged, they take the control of the institutions that carry the faculty to judge. They take the power, they take their own judges, they make their own rules and they administrate the judgement.
The men judge the women so badly that it becomes a violence, verbal, psychological and a physical violence. This violence becomes the environment in which men and women make the society, but in which they also make their own biology. The men will develop one way, and the women another way. The biological differences are accentuated by the environment in which both of them are living. The male develops the idea that he is dominant while the female develops the idea that she is inferior, and both behavior are changing accordingly to their culture, their families, their countries, the rate of violence in their countries.
In her book "The Inside of a Dog", Alexandra Horowitz writes page 35 :
"So you want to make a dog? There are just a few ingredients. You'll need wolves, humans, a little interaction, mutual tolerance. Mix thoroughly and wait, oh, a few thousand years.
Or, if you are the Russian geneticist Dmitry Belyaev, you simply find a group of captive foxes and start selectively breeding them. In 1959, Belayaev began a project that has greatly informed our best guesses as to what we believe the earliest steps of domestication were. Instead of observing dogs and extrapolating backward, he examined another social canid species and propagated them forward. The silver fox in Siberia in the mid-twentieth century was a small, wild animal that had become popular with the fur trade. Kept in pens, bred for their choice fur coats, particularly lang and soft, the fox was not tamed but was captive. What Belyaev made of them, with a much reduced recipe, were not "dogs" but were surprisingly close to dogs.
Though Vulpes vulpes, the silver fox, is distantly related to wolves and dogs, it had never before been domesticated. Despite their evolutionary relateness, no canids are fully domesticated other than the dog: domestication doesn't happen spontaneously. What Belyaev showed was that it can happen quickly. Beginning with 130 foxes, he selectively chose and bred those that were the most "tame", as he described it. What he really chose were the foxes that were the least fearful of or aggressive toward people. The foxes were caged, so aggression was minimal. Belyaev approached each cage and invited the fox to eat some food out of his hand.
Some bit at him; some hid. Some took the food, reluctantly. Others took the food and also let themselves be touched and patted without fleeing or snarling. Still others accepted the food and even wagged and whimpered at the experimenter, inviting rather than discouraging interaction. These were the foxes Belyaev selected. By some normal variation in their genetic code, these animals were naturally calmer around people, even interested in people. None of them had been trained; all had the same, minimal exposure to human caretakers, who fed them and cleaned their bedding for their short lives.
The "tame" foxes were allowed to mate, and their young were tested the same way. The tamest of those were mated, when they were old enough; and their young; and their young. Belayev continued the work until his death, and the program has continued since. After forty years, three-quarter of the population of foxes were a class the researchers called "domesticated elite": not just accepting contact with people, but drawn to it, "whimpering to attract attention and sniffing and licking".... as dogs do. He had created a domesticated fox.
Later genomic mapping has revealed that forty genes now differ between Belyaev's tame foxes and the wild silver fox. Incredibly, by selecting for one behavioral trait, the genome of the animal was changed in a half century. And with that genetic change came a number of surprisingly familiar physical changes: some of the later-generation foxes have multicolored, piebald coats, recognizable in dog mutts everywhere. They have floppy ears and tails that curl up and over their backs. Their heads are wider and their snouts are shorter. They are improbably cute".
Alexandra Horawitz explains that the artificial selection of behaviors can change the DNA of a species. What Charles Darwin calls the natural selection is in fact not so natural. Matriarchal and patriarchal systems practice a selection of their mates in order to create their own species and both species are very different. In matriarchal societies, the females will chose the males who have a soft and moderate behaviors while in patriarchal societies, the males are dominant and will chose their mate for their female sexual attributes. Matriarchal societies will try to maintain a state of peace while patriarchal societies will want to maintain their capacity at war, to conquer, to invade, to occupy, to submit, to exploit and it never ends. Once they have conquered one place, they want to conquer another place. Matriarchal societies are more sedentary.
The biological cycles of men and women create a natural selection where men will fight and sometimes die for a female. In matriarchal societies, the biology of men is regulated by the women who will temper the sexual appetite with more restrictive rules. In patriarchal societies, the sexual appetite is correlated to the appetite of a warrior, and this appetite is usually emphasized with more freedom for men to have prostitutes, mistresses, flirts, pornographic activities and a member card to a brothel. Matriarchy and patriarchy both regulate the natural instincts in different ways and this over thousand years that have changed the behavior of both men and women in the society.
The purpose of a religion is usually to accentuate which characteristics of the society are favored among others, and on the basis of morals, to establish the rules that regulate the biologies out of a natural primitive instinct. The purpose tends to tame the "animal" into a domesticated character that shows the features of an evolution. To bring the humanity into this evolution, advanced religions envision the future in which they are willing to succeed and they draw prophecies that will direct the society either to achieve or to reject the prophecies. Religions draw the environment for the past and they draw the environment for the future. Religions create a Kratocracy of doctrines wich are usually independent from the structure of the society, be it matriarchal or patriarchal, but the "name of God" is the "might makes right" in the human society.
Matriarchal societies usually believe in "mother Earth" associated with the name of God, while patriarchal societies usually have a more anthropomorphic deity. In matriarchal societies, the seeds of life come from the women while in patriarchal societies, the seeds of life come from the men. Patriarchal societies envision the women as a receptacle while matriarchal societies envision the women as a universe. In patriarchal societies, men think that they can control the universe, while in matriarchal societies, the universe gives the directions in life. The Biblical story is typically a patriarchal story written by a society that deny the matriarchal system and this is no surprise that Christianity made it even worse for the fate of women, but if we compare the humanity to the foxes of Belyaev we can see how patriarchy has raised its own wolves.
Humanity was born between Babylon and Egypt and there are three phenomenons that historically define the humanity. One is the human characteristic to walk on two legs. This characteristic was born in Africa. Second is the human characteristic to cultivate other species such crops and livestock. This is the birth of agriculture and the husbandry of other species produced for food, work and security. The third human characteristic is construction, and especially large constructions that involve a high mastering of concepts such geometry, mathematics, time, logistics and people. This is usually with construction that human manage other humans for building and for feeding ones else than themselves. They start to have corporations and specialties such farmers and craftsmen.

Modern sciences have shown that our activities are shaping our brain. Playing the violin will develop one part of the brain while playing the piano will develop another part of the brain. Activities develop the gyri of the brain and mathematicians for examples, develop the parietal lobes.

The brain cavity of men and women has been shaped by years and years of education, and this is interesting to compare how those differences can be compared with trauma. For example, the frontal lobe on men is smaller than the frontal lobe on women. The injuries on this part of the brain result in a list of behaviors that very often characterizes men, when described by women. The occipital lobe on women is smaller than on men. The trauma of the occipital lobe is described with behaviors that very often characterizes women, when described by men. What's interesting, is to see how the education and the biological development can shape the cavity of the brain and how two different evolutions can result in sharp differences that accentuate the negative perception of the opposite gender.

Sciences has recently taught that the brain has a plastic that we can shape with the environment, activities, food, family, friends, school and this plastic is very sensitive to the experience we drive into it. The Wernicke's area for example, can memorize the trauma of negative perception inflicted to somebody. When a parent, a society, a school, a husband or a wife send a negative message to a person, the brain of this person will burn the message in a destructive way that can damage the connectivity of the brain. Psychological harassment can harm a person with only few words while encouragements can wire the brain positively and repair the damaged areas. And this is funny because couples are usually attracted by their opposite character as if a natural instinct would try to compensate a failure.
Opposite characters inside a couple show that trauma is not natural and the body is not accepting it, so the body will try to compensate with an other body who shows the part missing. Somebody missing self esteem will look for somebody with grown esteem. Somebody fragile will look for another part that is strong. Somebody sad will be sensitive to somebody happy. Opposite characters attract themselves to establish a perfect balance,which balance shall become natural. The body is continuously trying to repair itself to survive. This is usually how men and women can help each other, but this is how education can also help, to repair the trauma and to exercise the brain so the brain can find its natural balance.

Basically, a married couple is a patriarch and a matriarch both sleeping in the same bed. They have followed two different evolutions, they have two different biologies, they have two different clocks, two different sexes and this, plus all the environment around them, has shaped two different brains. In the communion of life, they try to make love because this is a matter of survival. Without love, it would be war and the species would die.
What we can learn from this little expose is the difficulty to put men and women together, especially in America. The environment is altered differently accordingly to the sex, to the color, to the history, to the social context and to the religion. The religious environment plays a big, big, big part in the horizon of the two genders. There can be hills, there can be rivers, it can be warm, it can be cold, it can be winter or it can be spring full of happiness, but this is all the paradox of the United-States. There are many environments and so many environments indeed that somebody, to survive, needs some pillars. The United-States are not so different than Judah 3000 years ago, but maybe this is time to not do the same mistakes.
In the Book of Genesis, the children of Jacob descend to Egypt in January 1875 BC, 70 people in hall with their household. They have followed Jacob, the patriarch, whose name was changed for Israel. Egypt was a very advanced nation with an agriculture and construction knowledge. The Cheops pyramid had been built 700 years before. Abraham was born on November 11, 2166 BC, 394 years after the construction of Cheops. When the Israeli left Egypt to follow Moses in the desert, they carried gold what means that they were the elite. An elite that probably acquired 430 years and 85 days of knowledge that I believe, was written in the tables carried with the Ark of the Covenant. Moses had written the message of God a first time, then has broken it and has written the 10 commandments instead. He also has written the Torah.
The Israelite people were a clan living in Egypt, a country were men and women are both represented at power. Egypt had all the traits of an Ancient Matriarchal society that maintained the matriarchal cosmogony inside a patriarchal kingdom. Isis is represented with what I call "the Divine Harmony" on her head. The Divine Harmony is made of two ratios which are not numbers. The two ratios are Pi and Phi. They together design the relation of the Earth to the Sun in a vector of time (page 26 of the following PowerPoint). The first representation of Isis is dated between 2465 BC and 2325 BC.

The historical references to Isis are dated one century after the end of the construction of Cheops in a context of scientific discoveries that coincide almost simultaneously. The architecture of Cheops is speaking and so are the various representations of Isis. On her head and inside her mind, she carries the message of God that the Hebraic scripture has written YHWH. I don't believe there is any hazard if the Greeks gave the name of Pi to the ratio drawn in the name of the Hebraic God. There was a symbolic parallel that could not be named but that could be written. The iconography was speaking, but silence, allegories and myths became more sacred than the words themselves.
In the world of silence carried with the patriarchal tradition, women have been mainly excluded from their sacred missions. The cosmogony became a very strict monotheism that the Roman paganism has turn into a dictature. We have to examine the historical literature with the eyes of a patriarchal culture that was mainly governed by a dominant religion, Christianity. Christian historians, and more generally the patriarchal historians, have tried to mystify the Ancient Egyptian culture behind the shadow of a dark knowledge. The modern cinematography even continues with representing this knowledge as a kind of obscure magic, while this is an interpretation that only reflects the darkness of their mind. In the science of Thot, there is the scientific knowledge that has built one of the most fabulous pyramid on Earth. This pyramid was not built with magic, but with engineering. The stones of the temples and the pyramids did not fly in the air with prayers. Cheops is a source of engineering knowledge above the capacity of most historians and sadly, they interpret history with the lens of their culture. Christianity has hunted the witches since the early age of its development, and this is no surprise that modern historians continue to compare the symbols carried by ISIS with that of the witches.

Europe and the United-States have taken from Egypt their own version of the history where the woman sits at the feet of the man, where the knowledge is taken off her head and where the male is dominant. This is a mutilation of identity, of spirituality and of gender, but it questions the really meaning of it, that after all.
Europe and the United-States have chosen their own symbols to write their own version of the history. The history became a religion with one God to govern and to conquer the Earth, the Moon, Mars, the Sky, the oceans, the rivers, the species and humanity. This evil conquest was the achievement of a Patriarchy where the women have taken a role. They were not the passive voice of silence. They were the role who whimpers, who screams, who calls help, who is frighten, who has no right and does not conceive that anybody else may have rights. They were the women who did not act for peace, who did not act for a dialogue, who did not act for more intelligence and still nowadays, they want equal rights, but they don't take the pulse of taking equal responsibilities, of being women in this world. They become soldiers, they become bankers, they become workers and they act like men. They don't invent solutions for women, they don't improve the architecture, the society, they don't elaborate difficult concepts to reduce radioactivity for example, or balance the social economy. The women of the history were the male in disguise to flatter the other women, to calm down the expectations, and to continue their patriarchal control. Feminism in the modern world is more a matter of class struggle than it could ever be a matter of gender.

The class struggle has become a race struggle because minorities of colors have more brain than the women who gave up on their own identity. The norm of the white nucleus family is the norm of a patriarchal system, one mother, one father and preferably two children, no less, no more. This is the ideal family of the Western world. The two children shall be a boy and a girl to be equal in numbers, but they would not follow the same path in life. The little girl would learn to become a mother, and the little boy would learn to become a hunter, or a soldier, or a fireman, or a banker. Craftsmanship is for the immigration, all those who arrived after. White migrants create jealousies, dark brown are too religious, but Latinos are perfect. The men work in gardens and in construction while the women work as servant. This is the new norm of equality in America to establish the rules of a free world.
Everywhere you fill a form, you are asked for your race. This is for "diversity" they say, but a diversity that only speaks two languages, Spanish and English. A diversity that don't value the capacity to change the world, to bring more peace, to bring more tolerance, to bring more understanding, to bring more justice, to bring more equality, to bring more knowledge, to diversify the knowledge, to bring more humanity, to bring more compassion, more care, to bring more sense of the responsibilities we shall all have, to bring more control on the skids, to bring more voices, more ideas, more light. The diversity only works one way, and it is the Judaeo-Christian patriarchal way. One God, one vision and one gendered society.

I believe in one God, but like I would believe in a team, like I would believe that the engine of a car is one, while we all know that it is not. It is a composition of parts that make the all thing to work in motion. I don't believe in the big bang theory and the creation of humanity by a God, because the big bang could not have created the original matter. I don't believe either that one God created the heaven and the Earth, and not in seven days. But I believe in the intelligence of the Universe, the capacity for the original matter to expand and to break and to recompose itself into something new. I believe that the many stars are like a point of energy of which our Sun is the bigger in our proximity. The energy from the Sun has created the cosmic waves and winds and movement in such a way that the planets have found an equilibrium, but this equilibrium is fragile because of the Earth that is the most unstable planet of the system. The Earth is full of torments and of disorders that create the big bangs of our history. This is the motion of this big bang life that creates the reliefs, the oceans and the climate. When the climate changes, everything changes, the weight of the oceans, the level of the mountains, the pressure that is moving our tectonics.
I don't believe in a God that would be "good" or "bad". I believe in a God that is logic. There is a perfect cosmos, there is a perfect equilibrium and when the equilibrium is disturbed, the God will take the last voice. This is the voice of nature and God is neither man or woman, male or female. God is energy, God is motion, God is emotion and wisdom. I don't believe that God created the humanity, but humanity has followed its own development as any other creature until it became out of control. Humanity was like a pet. Be it auwfully sweet and cleaver, you love your pet as long as your pet is not taking the control of your house. But I believe that we are living the end of time and that humanity will either have to change, either have to die because patriarchy has gone too far. Dinosaurs have died. Other species have died and even civilizations.
I believe that men were never meant to be God. They are like aliens on Earth, invaders, strangers, predators. That's what they have become. I don't think that women were meant to be God either, there is too much difference between women in a patriarchal system and women in a matriarchal system, they just don't think, act and be alike. I don't even believe that a matriarchal system would solve the problems that we have today. I believe that humanity has become a mad animal and I don't believe that this animal has a future. Nobody knows how to stop the craziness of the men and women in power, everywhere, in every country. I think that humanity is destructing itself and the many messages hat God is sending do not receive any attention. Patriarchy does not believe in God. Patriarchy has developed a system of values that favors greed, lies and self centered perception of history and they did it intentionally to avoid the possibility of a God.
What is important I guess, is to know exactly what we believe when we start to write history, because our culture, our education, our environment has shaped our brain in such a way that facts don't always show for what they are. The Harvey Weinstein scandal is just an example of it. Dozen of women are razing their voices to say that Harvey Weinstein had abused them, harassed them, raped them, sexually took advantage of them. They have kept silent in an environment that was covering this kind of Hollywood culture and they took it for a norm until one voice would say that it was enough. But why not before? Why the women did not take their voice before to bring Harvey Weinstein in from of a jury? Because they wanted their part of the history and they have written it with silent.
Silence. Silence. Silence and lies. In a Judeo-Christian world, everything associated with a woman is black, dark, associated with obscure forces, the devil, the witch, the whore, the dominated. And the woman is either dominated by the men or by evil, but it cannot be none. Women attract evil, they are a cause of troubles. A woman cannot think, a woman cannot represent the truth, a woman cannot represent the rules, unless she is dead. Women are like most artists, living with their posterity.

Planet of the Apes - "All of human history has led to this moment. The irony is, we created you and nature has been punishing us ever since. This is our last stand and if we lose, it will be a planet of Apes".
The Pope could have written it, or even a Rabin, an Imam, a priest. But Hollywood did it with more music, more colors, more effects than any other could have. This is the new world where women desperately believe that they can stand over 5%. Those who already reached over the 5% are no women any more. They do their job as a man would do, they don't impose their view. They don't impose a spirituality that would balance the craziness of men who never stop going farther and farther, eroding the Earth to make satellites, space stations, and their conception of a new world with new kind of cities !!! In fact, this is just the same world. They are not dreamers but they make you dream that this is the best for you. "Life is short, take it" they say, and women take it. They take the role of the soldier, the bomb maker and the kicked ass on the copy machine.
Mathematicians have proven that bests couples are opposites characters, so this makes me wonder. Who is the woman when the man plays with his buddies like a kid? Who is the woman when the man plays the orchestra? Who is the woman when the man plays nuts? Who is the woman when the man plays the grizzly? The woman is a real matriarch in her little nuclear home and she has learnt to not play the bitch in somebody's else home. The "whore" in the Ancient world, was the name given to the females who could make their own money and since men believed that women were stupid, they never though that women could make a living with having their own real job. I mean, what would men buy from a woman? Sausages? From the last delivery that the butcher had left in the oven? Or maybe bread, for supper?

I may be sarcastic but I am sad. I am sad that women brain has been shaped such a way that they don't even see the world that they are contributing to make. I am sad that they have been mutilated of their spirituality, their ability to elaborate concepts, to envision and to plan. I am sad that they cannot put together their sensitivity with their mind and propose something better for the future. I am sad that they are impersonating men in their rudeness and their suicidal world. I am sad that they never tamed the monster and that the beast has shaped a female made for himself, submissive, unsecured and who gave up. Little girls usually give up around age 6 when they are repeatedly told that they don't know. Boys know best.

Christianity has developed a patriarchal world with the picture of one mother and one child. There is no father in the picture and the little men have grown with a fatherless concept of the society. Even when a father and a mother are married, the father is exposed to so many dangers that the survival implies that he is not here, he has no time, he is too busy, he must make the money for the household. The little boys are missing their father and they compensate elsewhere, in the church, in the community. It has become so important for the leaders to control the time of the fathers that they made also a time for the mothers. And the leaders push, faster, cheaper, longer hours, unstable contracts, unstable life, insecurity. A man world is also a world where the men are trying to control each other. A jobless father is no more a good father. Then comes the community. A homeless father is no more a father, then again comes the community, with a church and all the symbols, the doctrines, the bigotry and the superstitions. The politics who have received the mission to be independent and just, are no more just and independent. The world is shaped to be controlled by those men who have won the power.

In California, in 1980, 18 new prisons have been built for only one University.​ Gender problems are not only a matter of gender to define one self identity in the nation. This is not something personal that we ask in the bathroom "do I wear trousers or a dress today", "am I the mommy or the daddy today", "is this today that I am the matriarch or is it scheduled for tomorrow ?". This is not a matter of "an upper level" because we have already discussed this, men have taken the power of the "upper level" in order to control the other men, to control the objectification of women, to control the health of the children and the way anyone can be a father or a mother. They control the time we have for each other, the time to educate and to be with the children. Between 1972 and 2013, there was an increase of 700% of prisoners among them 93% were men. Women are continuously the victims of violence, verbal and sexual harassment. And the worse we can say, something of the "Divine Harmony" has been broken. The climate is broken. The society is broken. The forests are broken. The rivers are broken and even the oceans. The children are broken while they don't even know why. While a family stick together, there is absolutely no promises that the children will not be affected by the course of events.
There is something to change, everybody says it, and a lot of people agree with the fact that the change must come mainly from the men. I partly agree with that but we cannot reverse the circle and think that everything will be ok. Men did not become men alone, the women have taken their part into the raising of a patriarchy. To change the men, this is necessary to change the women also, and I believe that the community has to take part of its responsibilities, because the communities are raising silence and submissivity.

I have worked in animist patriarchal areas, I have worked in extreme Muslim areas, I have worked with Christians too. Everywhere, the change has come from the women not only because they were given rights, but because they were taking responsibilities. They have worked to put their brain together and compensate their lacks with their motivations to reach their goal of peace, of security and happiness. You cannot reach those goals with only complains but you can actively work for the peace, the security and the happiness. You don't make quilting by criticizing crochet, and you don't make painting by criticizing fishing. You just do your passions the best that you can and you don't ask the permission for it. You don't become a woman by criticizing men but by being a passionate woman who knows what she wants and will work for it. Walls are sometimes around us to teach us to climb. Plains have been around us to teach us to walk. Which part of our evolution are we going if we start to hesitate?
The math of the Divine Harmony
Where is love ?
Daughters, mothers and prostitutes
Sex children slaves
The intrigue as a source of knowledge
The Stockholm syndrome
Syllabus on gender and sexuality