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I am going to do it short on Islam, because there are too many sensitivities and I am not Muslim to discuss them. I will explain the context of the development of Islam, and then the Islam I know, from the people I have met. The Islam that is told to us on TV and the politics behind. My purpose here will be to discuss the genders in Islam and their parallels inside different Muslim countries.

Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God and that Muhammad is a messenger of God.

Islam is a verbal noun originating from the triliteral root S-L-M which forms a large class of words mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, submission, safeness, and peace. In a religious context it means "voluntary submission to God".

Muhammad was an orphan, raised by an uncle in Mecca. The Mecca was a sanctuary for many Gods as Rome was before it became Christian. Muhammad was born in the Quraysh tribe who controlled Mecca. His clan was the Banu Hashim clan.

From Wikipedia : "Bahira or "Sergius the Monk" to the Latin West, was a Syriac or Arab Gnostic Manichean Nasorean or Nestorian Christian (or Arian) monk who, according to tradition, foretold to the adolescent Muhammad his future prophetic career. His name derives from the Syriac bḥīrā, meaning “tested (by God) and approved”.


"The story of Muhammad's encounter with Bahira is found in the works of the early Muslim historians Ibn Hisham, Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi, and Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, whose versions differ in some details. When Muhammad was either nine or twelve years old, he met Bahira in the town of Bosra in Syria during his travel with a Meccan caravan, accompanying his uncle Abu Talib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. When the caravan was passing by his cell, the monk invited the merchants to a feast. They accepted the invitation, leaving the boy to guard the camel. Bahira, however, insisted that everyone in the caravan should come to him. Then a miraculous occurrence indicated to the monk that Muhammad was to become a prophet. It was a miraculous movement of a cloud that kept shadowing Muhammad regardless of the time of the day. The monk revealed his visions of Muhammad's future to the boy's uncle (Abu Talib), warning him to preserve the child from the Jews (in Ibn Sa'd's version) or from the Byzantines (in al-Tabari's version). Both Ibn Sa'd and al-Tabari write that Bahira found the announcement of the coming of Muhammad in the original, unadulterated gospels, which he possessed; the standard Islamic view is that Christians corrupted the gospels, in part by erasing any references to Muhammad."


"In the Christian tradition Bahira became a heretical monk, whose errant views inspired the Qur'an. Bahira is at the center of the Apocalypse of Bahira, which exists in Syriac and Arabic which makes the case for an origin of the Qur'an from Christian apocrypha. Certain Arabist authors maintain that Bahira's works formed the basis of those parts of the Qur'an that conform to the principles of Christianity, while the rest was introduced either by subsequent compilers such as Uthman Ibn Affan or contemporary Jews and Arabs. The names and religious affiliations of the monk vary in different Christian sources. For example, John of Damascus (d.749), a Christian writer, states that Muhammad "having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy."


"For Abd-al-Masih al-Kindi, who calls him Sergius and writes that he later called himself Nestorius, Bahira was a Nasorean, a group usually conflated with the Nestorians. After the 9th century, Byzantine polemicists refer to him as Baeira or Pakhyras, both being derivatives of the name Bahira, and describe him as an iconoclast. Sometimes Bahira is called a Jacobite or an Arian. The early Christian polemical biographies of Muhammad share in claiming that any supposed illiteracy of Muhammad did not imply that he received religious instruction solely from the angel Gabriel, and often identified Bahira as a secret, religious teacher to Muhammad."


"In a later development of the story Muhammad and Sergius get drunk. While they are sleeping in a stupor, a Jew or in some versions a soldier, takes Muhammad's sword and kills Sergius with it. When he awakes Muhammad sees his bloody sword and is convinced that he killed Sergius in a drunken rage. In shame he bans the use of alcohol among his followers."

I have already discussed the origins of Christianity and the creation of the myth of Jesus during the destruction of Jerusalem. Christianity was not meant to be a religion, but a system of laws that would worship the Roman Emperors who impersonate a God, who is deified and that the followers must obey. At the beginning of Christianity, the "followers" were the people outside of Rome whose countries have been invaded and submitted to the laws of Rome that Christianity dictates as a worship.


The Roman Empire has conquered several former empires which were more advanced and sophisticated than Rome. Greece, Egypt, Persia, Babylonia, they all had a system of laws and religions, but through the sadistic laws that were imposed by Rome, the scholars from Greece, Egypt, Syria have tried to bend the Christian dictatorship in a more spiritual way. Different scholastics have flourished with different perceptions of Christianity. The monk Sergius was a Nestorian or a, Arianist monk, what means that he did not believe in the Trinity and he believed that Jesus was a creation of God, but he was not of the same essence of God, he was subordinate. This concept which is very different from the Christian Church, has been the root of Islam. In some way, Islam is a schism with the original Christianity. The first year of Islam started in 622 CE. The Roman Empire had fallen in 476 CE, first year of the Middle Age.

Muhammad was born during the Year of the Elephant, an event that occurred around 570 CE when the Abyssinian Christian ruler of Yemen marched upon the Ka‘bah in Mecca. His elephant refused to enter in the city. The family of Muhammad was in charged of the pilgrims who used to come to the Ka'Bah, a pagan shrine worshiped by the many tribal groups around the Arabian peninsula. The family of Muhammad has unified those tribes into the worship of Islam and the study of the Quran whose scripture has been inspired from the Bible. The monk Sergius is believed to have authored part of it.

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