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Let's start with a very important statement: I believe that Jesus born in year 0000 is a myth.


Accordingly to the Rabbinic historical sources, the Temple of Solomon would have been built in 832 BCE and its destruction would have occurred 410 later, in 422 BCE. Other secular sources date the construction in 957 BCE and the  destruction of the first temple in 586 BCE. This is the date that we will retain in the chronology of Christianity.

The temple of Solomon was dedicated to Yahweh and was the home of the sacred artifacts. Some of them are related to Moses and to the exile from Egypt such the Ark of the Covenant, the staff of Moses, the rod of Aaron, the Tablets of stone, and a bowl with the secret manna food. Some others are related to the Ancient Hebraic tradition such the Urim and Thummim, the Holy oil, the Torah, the two columns of Boaz and Jachin, the Molten Sea and the Brasen Altar, "a place of slaughter or sacrifice". "The first altar recorded in the Hebrew Bible is that erected by Noah (Genesis 8:20). Altars were erected by Abraham (Genesis 12:7; 13:4; 22:9), by Isaac (Genesis 26:25), by Jacob (33:20; 35:1-3), and by Moses (Exodus 17:15, Adonai-nissi)." The tradition of sacrifice started during the exodus from Egypt and it became a ritual inside the walls of the temple.

The reconstruction of the second temple has lasted from 516 BCE to 70 CE. The Christian myth of Jesus took place during this course of 586 years. In 66 CE the Roman army started to confront the High Priests what brought to the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 CE. At this time, the Roman Empire could not rule over Egypt without the control of Judea. That's when historians, scholars and hagiographers both of Jewish and Roman cultures started to rewrite the Testament of the Jew Bible to rewrite the rules under Roman kinship. Accordingly to the Roman Empire, the sons of Abraham were given a new king, the kingship with David was lost with the temple. The Roman asked the Hebrews to pledge allegiance to a new king who had died and who resurrected inside the Church. The Roman believed that given a new High Priest who would have reached eternity into God, the Hebrew culture and religion would have converted into the new Roman dominium. A dominium motivated by power and the geography of power.


During the course of the events that caused the destruction of the second temple, the Roman were polytheists. They had an anthropomorphic cosmogony and were relating their gods to only themselves, their power, their brutality, their hooliganism. The Hebrew people had a different heritage transmitted to them through their kinship with Abraham, but also through the knowledge that is symbolized with Moses, generations and generations of Jews who have lived and grown in Ancient Egypt. The Exodus from Egypt is the birth of Israel, but it is the birth of a new kind of people who were set free. It was the birth of a new kind of government where every people belongs to the family of the king and whose king is by blood everybody's patriarch. They were no slaves any more, they were not governed by anyone's else father, king, prefect or ruler. They were their own people and as servants of the Ancient Kings of Egypt, they were knowledgeable people, craftsmen, scholars, priests, they were skilled. And they had priests to whom they were like a son with his mother, they would have sacrificed themselves.

The pledge of allegiance of the Hebrew people was transmitted with the Apostles creed in which the Jews become Christians and agree to believe in the resurrection of the Christ. This is the translation of the creed in English :


"I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen."

The first historical record of the Apostles creed was in 390 AD and was largely spread all over France and Spain during the reign of Charlemagne. Few years before the historical record of the Apostles creed, the Emperor Constantine had converted to Christianity who became the foundations of his kingdom in Constantinople.

While it takes thousands words for most the people of the world to express their kinship and their faith into their God, Christianity as created 10 lines that says it all. Faith is not about God but accordingly to the Romans, it's about the death of Jesus who was reborn into the Christ and sat close to God, the father. The Christian myth of Jesus was created to convert the Jews into the laws of the Roman Empire and it later became the instrument of the Roman power, because "He" who controls the only God, controls the world.

The Roman Empire has conquered the world by force and forgeries, but the Kingdom of Judah was different. The Kingdom of Judah was like its king, David, and its temple in Jerusalem, it was a knowledgeable kingdom. People were not perfect, they were not even rich after they had returned from Babylon. They were not strong. It's not sure they even had an army !!!! But they had faith and High Priests in whom they had a common belief. They knew that they could turn to them to know what they had to do, and the priests were the Messiah, the people chosen by God. The Messiah who had the knowledge and the wisdom to guide their people, above all kind of kinship. In fact the word "Messiah" is used to call the king David and the High Priests of Israel. It designs any person who has been chosen and anointed with the sacred oil.

The land of Israel has been created with the law that were given by Moses, who himself, says the legend, had received the law from God on the Sinai Mount. The exode of the Hebrew people took place around 1300 BCE. "The name Israel first appears c. 1209 BCE, at the end of the Late Bronze Age and the very beginning of the period archaeologists and historians call Iron Age I. On the Merneptah Stele raised by the Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah. The inscription is very brief:


Plundered is Canaan with every evil,
Carried off is Ashkelon,
Seized upon is Gezer,
Yenocam is made as that which does not exist
Israel lies fallow, it has no seed;
Ḫurru has become a widow because of Egypt.


As distinct from the cities named (Ashkelon, Gezer, Yenoam) which are written with a toponymic marker, Israel is written hieroglyphically with a demonymic determinative indicating that the reference is to a human group, variously located in central Palestine or the highlands of Samaria. Over the next two hundred years (the period of Iron Age I) the number of highland villages increased from 25 to over 300 and the settled population doubled to 40,000. By the 10th century BCE a rudimentary state had emerged in the north-central highlands, and in the 9th century this became a kingdom. Settlement in the southern highlands was minimal from the 12th through the 10th centuries BCE, but a state began to emerge there in the 9th century, and from 850 BCE onwards a series of inscriptions are evidence of a kingdom which its neighbours refer to as the "House of David."

The first temple of Solomon was built during the United Monarchies of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The craftsmen, the stones and the cedar timbers were provided by the king Hiram I of Tyre. Some historians also consider Hiram Abiff to have been the architect of the temple. Hiram Abiff is still worshiped nowadays as the ideal craftsman of the masonic lodges.

The second temple of Jerusalem was achieved under the kingdom of Herod I, a Jew who had pledge allegiance to the Roman Empire. King Herod is usually described as a cruel leader who nevertheless, has given to Israel a rich architectural heritage. The temple of Herod was considered as a real beauty and this beauty may have cause the conversion of many Roman Elites into the Hebraic faith. Israel had become a threat that the authority of Rome did not want to sustain so it's unclear rather the unpopularity of King Herod has grown from Rome or from Israel, but for sure, his history still makes the show. Without Herod, and the second temple of Jerusalem, the Christian myth of Jesus would not have existed.

Herod I has been raised as a Jew but his sympathies with the Roman Empire has brought in Judah the many intrigues that militarized the kingdom with a power which was governed from Rome. "Toward the end of the campaign against Antigonus, Herod married the granddaughter of Hyrcanus II, Mariamne (known as Mariamne I), who was also a niece of Antigonus. Herod did this in an attempt to secure his claim to the throne and gain some Jewish favor. However, Herod already had a wife, Doris, and a young son, Antipater, and chose therefore to banish Doris and her child." "Herod took the role as sole ruler of Judea and the title of basileus (Βασιλεύς, "king") for himself, ushering in the Herodian Dynasty and ending the Hasmonean Dynasty." "Basileus is a Greek term and title that has signified various types of monarchs in history. (...) Under Roman rule, the term basileus came to be used, in the Hellenistic tradition, to designate the Roman Emperor in the everyday and literary speech of the Greek-speaking Eastern Mediterranean."

"The Latin word basilica derives from the Greek (basilikè stoá), lit. "royal stoa (walkway)", originally referring to the tribunal chamber of a king. In Rome the word was at first used to describe an ancient Roman public building where courts were held, as well as serving other official and public functions. To a large extent these were the town halls of ancient Roman life. The basilica was centrally located in every Roman town, usually adjacent to the main forum. These buildings, an example of which is the Basilica Ulpia, were rectangular, and often had a central nave and aisles, usually with a slightly raised platform and an apse at each of the two ends, adorned with a statue perhaps of the emperor, while the entrances were from the long sides. (...) By extension the name was applied to Christian churches which adopted the same basic plan and it continues to be used as an architectural term to describe such buildings, which form the majority of church buildings in Western Christianity, though the basilican building plan became less dominant in new buildings from the later 20th century. Later, the term came to refer specifically to a large and important Roman Catholic church that has been given special ceremonial rights by the Pope."

"Herod's despotic rule has been demonstrated by many of his security measures aimed at suppressing the contempt his people, especially Jews, had towards him. For instance, it has been suggested that Herod used secret police to monitor and report the feelings of the general populace towards him. He sought to prohibit protests, and had opponents removed by force. He had a bodyguard of 2,000 soldiers. Josephus describes various units of Herod's personal guard taking part in Herod's funeral, including the Doryphnoroi, and a Thracian, Celtic (probably Gallic) and Germanic contingent. While the term Doryphnoroi does not have an ethnic connotation, the unit was probably composed of distinguished veteran soldiers and young men from the most influential Jewish families. Thracians had served in the Jewish armies since the Hasmonean dynasty, while the Celtic contingent were former bodyguards of Cleopatra given as a gift by Augustus to Herod following the Battle of Actium. The Germanic contingent was modeled upon Augustus's personal bodyguard, the Germani Corporis Custodes, responsible for guarding the palace."

Herod had married two wives, Doris and Mariamne. With his first wife, Dorian, he had a son, Antipater. Both Doris and Antipater were exiled after Herod married Mariamne." Herod had 3 other sons with his second wife, Mariamne. The two first heirs Aristobulus and Alexander were executed in 7BC. The oldest son, Antipater, was convicted of trying to poison his father (5 BC). The youngest son, Antipas became the last heir of Herod and the king of Judah. This is under the reign of Antipas that the Jesus of the Christian myth has been crucified. 

"The study of Herod's reign includes polarizing opinions on the man himself. His critics have described him as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis", "the evil genius of the Judean nation", and as one who would be "prepared to commit any crime in order to gratify his unbounded ambition." His extraordinary spending spree is cited as one of the causes of the serious impoverishment of the people he ruled, adding to the opinion that his reign was exclusively negative. Herod's religious policies gained a mixed response from the Jewish populace. Although Herod considered himself king of the Jews, he let it be known that he also represented the non-Jews living in Judea, building temples for other religions outside of the Jewish areas of his kingdom. Many Jews questioned the authenticity of Herod's Judaism on account of his Idumean background and his infamous murders of members of his family. However, he generally respected traditional Jewish observances in his public life. For instance, he minted coins without human images to be used in Jewish areas and acknowledged the sanctity of the Second Temple by employing priests in the construction of the Temple."

The second temple of Jerusalem is also called the temple of Herod. It has been built with Jewish priests and the first High Priest was named Yeshua, son of Jozadak. The name of Jozadak means "from Jehova, who was made just" and the name of Yeshua in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver", which describes the function of the High Priest. The Greek spelling for Yeshua is "iêsous", what became Jesus. Kristos is the Greek translation for Messiah. Both Jesus and Kristos are Greek names that nobody never had to translate since the Apostles, who were supposed to be Jews, have written in Greek rather than Hebrew.

During the first century, Yosef ben Matityahu was born in Jerusalem to a father of priestly descent and a mother of royal ancestry. He was born in 37 CE and died in 100 CE. He was a scholar, an historian and an hagiographer. He is also the author or the Jewish Messianic prophecies that initiated the First Roman-Jewish War in 63 BE but he surrendered to the Roman Army with creating the myth saying that Titus Flavius would become the Messiah. Again, the word Messiah has not yet the sanctity that was given later by the Church, but to be the next Jewish Messiah was in Titus plans, the plan to control the Kingdom of Judah.


Yosef ben Matiyahu has become a very important figure that gave birth to the Christian Myth of Jesus. You can access the translation of his writing here. Some scholars have compared the writing of Yosef ben Matiyahu with the texts of the New Testaments and made the comparison of the historical sequences. They show that historical facts during the life of Titus, have been introduced inside the New Testament to make the text, and especially the saying of Jesus as written in the myth, to become legitimate. The comparison also shows that many Roman rituals were introduced to the texts and more importantly, the New Testament has changed the Jewish God into an anthropomorphic God who was sexually gendered, who had procreated with a human woman and gave birth to a human son, whose son, after his death, would enter the pantheon of Godness. The New Testament is typically a pagan scripture with a mix of other religions and mainly from Egypt.

Herod was the last Jewish king of Judah before the beginning of the Christian myth of Jesus, and the historians have described him as a pure devil who would have killed his own family and was punished by God. This is a description given by Yosef ben Matiyahu about the lasts days of Herod: "an aqueous and transparent liquor also had settled itself about his feet, and a like matter afflicted him at the bottom of his belly. Nay, further, his privy-member was putrefied, and produced worms (...) It was said by those who pretended to divine, and who were endued with wisdom to foretell such things, that God inflicted this punishment on the king on account of his great impiety; yet was he still in hopes of recovering, though his afflictions seemed greater than any one could bear."

In the text of Yosef, the genital organs of Herod have been putrefied and produced worms. The sons of Herod have been killed and the last heir of Herod, Antipas,  becomes the ruler of Galilee and Perea. Remember, a ruler in Greek is called basileus and the tribunal chamber is called a basilica. Antipas "is widely known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth." So the last heir of Herod, the last king of the Jews, is the same king who would have killed the Christian mythical character of Jesus as the High Priest and the messiah. In 70 BE, the second temple of Jerusalem has been destroyed by Titus and Yosef ben Matityahu, when he wrote the prophecies of the Jews, gave his own words to the character of Jesus that he had created himself to embody the character of Titus. The purpose of the New Testament was to transfer the power of the "ruler" from Judah to Rome.

The characters of the Christian Bible have really existed. Yeshua has existed, Yosef has existed and Maria has existed, but they were not family members. They were the figures of the kingship, of the priestly and the anthropomorphic representation of a God. Yosef ben Matityahu was Joseh (on the left picture below), the father of the story. Maramne, the favorite wife of Herod was the kingship incarnated into the body of a woman (on the middle picture), and Yeshua, was the first priest of the second temple, a son of David, this poor little emasculated king that was essentially mortal (his tomb is pictured on the right). The symbol of Christianity today, is the dead king of the Jews on the cross, almost naked, not even cenced, not even dressed, not even cleaned, not even died yet. They created the myth of a resurrection to embody the new ruler of Judah into the Corpus Christi, the body of the Christ, the central figure of Christianity. Saint Peter has given his name to the Basilica of the Vatican, where the myth has said he would have carried the first stone.

The various cultures around the Mediterranean sea were very different from the Roman culture. The Roman Empire had already swallowed the Greek Empire conquered by Alexander the Great, and the roots of Egypt were having fruits in the Greek culture, at both sides of the Mediterranean sea. The Ancient Phoenician Empire had become a province where the army had become Roman. The Roman Empire was a military Empire and it was a dictatorship that was struggling to calm the revolts all through the Mediterranean sea.

The Jews had a common heritage with Egypt, but the Jews were rejecting part of it. They were rejecting the government, the iconography and some way, the belief. They were no part of the government, they have been slaves and the last generations of the Jews who have left Egypt with Moses were probably the elite ones, the rich merchants and craftsmen whose parents and grand-parents had lived in Ancient Egypt for many generations. They have seen the construction of the pyramids, they have grown has a people into this Egyptian culture, into this Ancient Egyptian culture. The Egypt they have left behind had nothing common with the Ancient one in which they had taken their roots. It is written in the architecture, the hieroglyphs and the sciences. The Hebrews took the Ark of the Covenant with them and they left Egypt for ever. For ever to not be slaves again. Their kings had been their guides and messianism was their way of government, to chose a leader and to follow him. When the draft of the New Testament has been written by the Christian Church, the "church" was only a ruler, a basileus in a basilica. The purpose may have not been to start a new religion in the sense that we see it now. The purpose may have been of pure machiavellism to subject the Hebrews of Judah to the rules and the government of Rome, and the most important rule for Rome, was the adoration of the emperor. One person, one God.

There are different versions of the History accordingly to the personal perspectives that the historians may want to develop, but most of them see Christianity as a duel between Jerusalem and Rome in which Christianity would have won and the Roman Empire declined. It might have been a little more complex than that, because many Jews in Israel had been converted from Paganism, many countries were living under the dictatorship of the Romans, and globally, this period of time had been a loss for the Jewish people who had lost their freedom and their temple. The Flavians of Rome created the myth of Jesus but the Christians were the people who converted to the myth knowingly at this time probably better than today that the myth was false, that Rome was the authority in control and that following the Christians was a submission of faith, something immaterial, intangible, impalpable, that was mentioning a God that nobody had ever seen. What did they really know about faith after all and did the new followers of Judaism really know anything that would affect them deeply?

When Titus has ransacked the Temple of Jerusalem, he imposed the fiscus ludaicus or fiscus Judaiscus which "was a tax-collecting agency instituted to collect the tax imposed on Jews in the Roman Empire after the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in AD 70." Domitian, the brother and successor of Titus, gave himself the title of Dominus et Deus, God and born ruler. He also deified his brother Titus and erected the Temple of Vespasian and Titus to complete the full deification.  In 85 BE, 15 years after the destruction of Jerusalem, "Domitian nominated himself perpetual censor, the office that held the task of supervising Roman morals and conduct." (...) "Foreign religions were tolerated insofar as they did not interfere with public order, or could be assimilated with the traditional Roman religion. The worship of Egyptian deities in particular flourished under the Flavian dynasty, to an extent not seen again until the reign of Commodus. Veneration of Serapis and Isis, who were identified with Jupiter and Minerva respectively, was especially prominent." (...) "4th century writings by Eusebius maintain that Jews and Christians were heavily persecuted toward the end of Domitian's reign. The Book of Revelation is thought by some to have been written during this period. Although Jews were heavily taxed, no contemporary authors mention trials or executions based on religious offenses other than those within the Roman religion." The tax system has been created to prevent the conversion of the Romans to Judaism, the real Judaism with a Jew High Priest. Instead, if the Romans wanted to convert to Judaism, they were offered the option of the Christian religion which was almost like Judaism, but with a dead king.


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La raine de Saba - Arr Noh Donghwan
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The music is "La Raine de Saba" arranged and played by Noh Donghwan


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