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If there is something we can say about the Jewish people is they were born to be great story tellers.
"In the beginning, there were chaos and darkness in the void when God said "let there be life out of the chaos". God forth order which was the firmament and He called it Heaven. Then God gathered the waters on one place of the Heaven and caused the dry land to appear. God was pleased with the seas and the light. The Earth was also made beautiful by the forces He had unleashed. Then God said, let this Earth healed and the Earth grown forth all the growing green and the fruitful beauty. And God divided the day from the night making the Sun to rule the day, the moon and the stars to rule the night. And He made them shine for the seas, then God made the water to swan with creatures and filled the sky with wings of birds, and He made the animals each their own natures in each place of the Earth, in the airs and in the seas. And all the world of creatures was pacifically beautiful yet incomplete. So God made Man, male and female. God created humanity as his image and gave man dominion of the Earth and then, for the sake of all generations to come, God commanded them to write down their story of their search for God and the never ending struggle between good and evil, and to collect them into a treasury of inspiration we call the Holy Bible."
"There was another time when man evil had become so great that God was forced to intervene in the order of his own Universe. Then God's creatures were many, they multiplied to a contempt, they lived in harmony and flourished in their innocence. Not Man. The one creature God made in his own image with the ability to think and to know his goodness on his ways and the evil beyond, but man had turned away from his creator. Through generations, he has come to love himself and his works more than his God until finally, he proclaimed himself greater than God.​ He enslaved his follow man and the land was empty of goodness. Men like Ularat had declared themselves "carmeers", living Gods who ruled in tyranny and corruption. The rich stole from the poor and followed in the path by their corrupted armies. Man heart was filled with hate, greed and lust except for one man named Noah."
"- Benjamin : If only I could be a magician.
- Joseph : You know, magicians and fortune tellers always end at the course of kings.
- Benjamin : They do?
- Joseph : And so do the clowns.
- Benjamin : Why?
- Joseph : Because kings are always afraid and they need the fortune tellers to tell them what they want to hear, and the clowns to make them laugh.
- Benjamin : Then, I'm gonna be a clown."
"Then Jacob shared the bread.
- Jacob : Blessed He be the true God, king of the Universe who gave us this bread from the Earth. Bless He be the true God, king of the Universe, who give us the truth of the wine.
- Jocob : God blessed me with 12 sons."
"- Pharaoh : From all corners of Egypt, bring wise men and sages. This is my command !
- Joseph : What God is about to do, He shows to Pharaoh. First, in the land of Egypt, there will be seven years of great planting and then all the flourished are forgotten and famine will consume the land. For seven long years, Egypt will be deep and suffering.
- Pharaoh : If such is the will of your God, what must I do?
- Joseph : Take actions now.
- Pharaoh : Such actions call for a man who is great and wise. Let's hear all, he must be placed over the land of Egypt.
- Joseph : To this man you must say, come with me and he will become the moon between the Pharaoh and the shinning sun of the world. Let this man appoint officers upon the land and let them gather all the food of the good years and lay up corn on mighty hands. Let them store food in all your cities. They must irrigate, build canals, store water, control the life giving Nile so her volume may be used any hours that Egypt needs. Do all these things, great king and your land will not perish, and all mighty God protect you and your people. My task is ended.
Pharaoh : Rise. I thank you. Stay. Your words are good. Who among my nobles is such a man. Among all are wise and honest, who is the man in whom the spirit of the God dwells. In which of you can I place my trust? Your God has shown you all these things. Therefore, you have the discretion and all the wisdom that Egypt needs. Joseph, you are the man."
Those few lines from the following movies gather all the love and all the hate that the world has given to the Jewish people since they had written the Bible at the very origin of the other religions, Christianity and Islam.

The Jewish people has been displaced from place to place for thousands of years and everywhere they have settled the diaspora of a country that was united, divided, rebuilt, destructed and occupied. From 70 CE to 1948 CE, the state of Israel had vanished worldwide and the Jewish people became the bankers, the jewelers and the accountants of the world. Most monarchies have grown with them and most nations have succeed with them into wealth and prosperity. Until the beginning of the XXth century, they were both loved and hated. At the beginning of the XXIth, they are both loved and hated. Their story is the story of a people who declared itself "elected by God".
After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire in 70 CE, the Jewish people had lost its temple, the core of the kingdom where the seeds of Israel had been planted by its fathers, its priests and its prophets. The loss for the people was the assassination of a symbolic king that the courts of Europe were mocking in their churches. They have been humiliated, decimated, exterminated, exiled, displaced, and ever since 70 CE, they never gave up their faith.
I don't know much about Judaism, but I am fascinated by two books, the Genesis and the Book of Numbers. I am also fascinated by the symbols and the geometry hidden inside the history of the people. I am fascinated with the resilience and the humor of the Jewish people. I am questioning the rumors, why everybody hate them, why does everybody put the guilt of the world on them, the medias, the banks, the wars, the policy of the United-States. My purpose here is to question the genders and the way how the Jewish religion has impacted our perceptions, how the influences went back and forth the Jewish people and the world.
It's only after I made my PowerPoint about the "Name of God" that I realized that inside the word "jewel", there is the word "jew". In Yiddish, jewel is translated with brilyant and eydlshteyn. In the word eydlshteyn, you have the word eyd what means also Jew. The word eyd written in Yiddish is also found with the same letters than the name of God. In the word YHWH, you find twice the letter H that looks like a 7 and the Greek letter Pi. In the word eyd, you have the 7. I absolutely don't believe that this is a hazard.
Jewish people are renown for their business of the diamonds, be it in Paris, New-York, London, Tel Aviv, anywhere in the world, they own the business of diamonds, a very particular stone with very a peculiar religious shine. This is probably a consequence of being jewelers, they also old money. Jewish people are famous for two things, making stocks and lending money. Their first borrowers were the kingdoms of Europe, then the merchants and when the trade has grown worldwide, they have taken risks to pay the boats, the merchandises and make revenues on the profits having stocks and selling their stocks at the best time of the market. Jewish people are also famous for their investments into Art, buying artwork, selling artwork, making collections and keeping their treasure into good control. For jewels, money and artworks, the banks became the institutions.
Jewish people have a tremendous confidence of themselves. They are all the descendants of David who fought Goliath with an only stone. They also have a tremendous sense of humor and a particular talent for story telling. They memorize, act serious and launch the humor very religiously, what makes it kinda spiritual. This is no surprise that they are good in business, because they have all the components to win, but most people over evaluate the Jewish people. They are talented, but they also make mistakes. Just after Emmanuel Macron was elected the President of France, it was emphasized that he had worked for Rothschild. At this time, Rothschild was a grant of visionary success, so I wrote that in a paper:
FRENCH : "Macron, c'est un peu le "Locomotive Act" de 1839, l'homme qui devance à pied en agitant son drapeau pour précéder une machine à vapeur que l'on limite à 10 km/h. Il aura fallu attendre que la France développe "l'Obéissante" en 1873 au Mans pour que la machine prenne de la vitesse avec "La Nouvelle" et"La Rapide". La vapeur s'est éteinte sans que la France ne voit venir le moteur à explosion, une invention brevetée en France et qui fut reprise en 1872 par un ingénieur Allemand Nikolaus Otto, le premier ingénieur à appliquer les principes de son prédecesseur français".
TRANSLATION : "Macron, it's a bit of the "Locomotive Acts" of 1839, the man who walks ahead waving his flag to precede a steam engine that is limited to 10 km/h. It was not until that France had developed the "Obedient" in 1873 in Le Mans to get the machine to speed with "La Nouvelle" and "La Rapide". The steam went out without France seeing coming the reciprocating engine, an invention patented in France that was taken over in 1872 by a German engineer Nikolaus Otto, the first engineer to apply the principles of his French predecessor ".
It is always believed in France that the Rothschild are controlling the world, and as a consequence, that they must be responsible for the plague of the world, but it is never said that the European monarchies have largely taken advantage of them. The Rothschild have become aristocrats which is quite a monarchy in a country that years before had beheaded the king, the queen, the dauphin and most of the nobility. This is quite also a success for the Rothschild to be seen as a super power in the middle of the European monarchies who are super powers themselves. The difference is that monarchies have inherited from Rome while the Rothschild are giving birth to the new Jerusalem. If we want to condemn the Jewish business, then we shall condemn the oil business, the uranium business, the gold business, and all the businesses after all.
This is so easy to see the Jewish people with the eyes of a Christian that maybe, sometimes, it would be better to see it as a child, or as an artist, or as an humorist, or even as an American. Without the banks, without the boats, without the risks and without the audacious tenacity to make America today, I would not be blogging and you would not know this story. Pragmatism, sometimes, is a golden rule.

I guess that the Jews have survived with making stories and because other nations were willing to buy them. Titus and Domitian have excelled in directing the making-of Jesus while the Empress Irene of Athens religiously gave a face to the baby Jesus. Why the Jews shall have not laughed of it after all, if a kingdom was willing buy its virginity with diamonds? Laugh and humor is inside the Jewish culture, without limitation of age, nor censure nor inquisition. If a people would have invented a free world, this is the Jews.

They joke, they dance, they play music and in everything they do, they dress like the civil man in a temple. They scare people. The Roman Empire has fallen in 476 CE and the Jewish Diasporas have remained. While every nation try to build a common culture, the Jewish people only have one culture, everywhere they go and everywhere they live. Their culture is Israel. They have always been among the elite in Europe, but they never were aristocrats because aristocrats are the Christian leaders who have pledge allegiance to Rome. They were in the cities, travelling by sea, buying abroad and selling their silk, their spice, their books, their fur, their leathers, their artifacts from other countries. They never have really been assimilated in Europe because Europe had a system of laws made for only one religion. The Jewish people was out the laws and their elite position has build the perception that they were above the law. The monarchies have hated them because they were the lenders, and the peasants have hated them because they were lenders, richer, more organized and independent. In a feudal system, the Jewish people have been the seeds of Karl Marx, socialism and liberalism. They were the seeds that had fallen from the thorn of the crown of Jesus.

Everywhere Europe has conquered territories, the Jews were there to make business. The European armies have opened the roads, the Christian missionaries have pacified the roads and the Jews were not far behind to lend the money, to influence and orchestrate the trade of the supplies. The Jewish people only have a parallel in the world at the top of the 27 monarchies of the world, Bahrain, Belgium, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Denmark, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tonga and United-Kingdom. They are all constitutional exept Oman, Saudi Arabia and Swaziland who are absolute monarchies. The United-Kingdom is part of the Commonwealth Realm that includes Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, The Bahamas and Tuvalu.
The reality is, Jewish people have helped the other people to become independent. France and the United-States are the most renowned examples since they are the two countries who have led revolutions against their monarchies. They have lend money, they have influenced with the medias and their system of organization, but the former monarchies have learnt the experience and they also hold the medias, they also have organizations and they also try to influence. We live in an Era where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and this is no different than the Middle Age. The people at the top really don't care of those at the bottom. It is this reality that makes gender so important to understand what is going on now in this world.
In 1935, a German woman, Leni Riefenstahl, made a film called the Triump of the Will. Germany has been part of the Roman Empire until the fall of Napoleon, it was then divided in 39 sovereign states that became the German Confederation. "After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, the German princes proclaimed the founding of the German Empire in 1871 at Versailles, uniting all scattered parts of Germany except Austria. Prussia was the dominant constituent state of the new empire; the Hohenzollern King of Prussia ruled as its concurrent Emperor, and Berlin became its capital.
At the Berlin Conference in 1884, Germany claimed several colonies including German East Africa, German South West Africa, Togoland, and Kamerun. Later, Germany further expanded its colonial empire to include German New Guinea, German Micronesia and German Samoa in the Pacific, and Kiautschou Bay in China. In what became known as the "First Genocide of the Twentieth-Century", between 1904 and 1907, the German colonial government in South West Africa (present-day Namibia) ordered the annihilation of the local Herero and Namaqua peoples, as a punitive measure for an uprising against German colonial rule. In total, around 100,000 people—80% of the Herero and 50% of the Namaqua—perished from imprisonment in concentration camps, where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion, or from dehydration and starvation in the countryside after being deprived of food and water."

On 28 June 1914, the assassination of the Emperor Ferdinand provided the pretext for the Austrian Empire to attack Serbia and trigger World War I. After four years of warfare, the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. German troops returned a defeated and devastated country. World War I had ruined Europe and left America quite alone to dominate the World Markets. It became the most prosperous and fastest growth of America, until the crash of October 29, 1929. This day is reminded as the Black Tuesday that crashed all the markets around the world. In 1932, the rate of unemployment in Germany was over 30%. The Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler won the special federal election of 1932. Leni Riefenstahl made the Triumph of the Will 19 months later.
On November 9 1939, Ernst Eduard vom Rath, a German aristocrat, was assassinated in Paris by a Polish Jewish teenager. Ernst vom Rath was a diplomat for the Nazi party. During the night of 9-10 November 1938, the Night of Broken Glass, paramilitary and German civilians have led the pogroms that resulted in 30,000 Jews arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps. In 1933, the Nazi propaganda had become an anti-Jewish policy to exclude all the Jews from the society. In 1938, the Nazi party made its own money with the properties seized from the Jews.
"In August 1939, Hitler's government negotiated and signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact that divided Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. Following the agreement, on 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland, marking the beginning of World War II.
In what later became known as The Holocaust, the German government persecuted minorities and used a network of concentration and death camps across Europe to conduct a genocide of what they considered to be inferior peoples. In total, over 10 million civilians were systematically murdered, including 6 million Jews, between 220,000 and 1,500,000 Romani, 275,000 persons with disabilities, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, thousands of homosexuals, and hundreds of thousands of members of the political and religious opposition from Germany, and occupied countries (Nacht und Nebel). Nazi policies in the German occupied countries resulted in the deaths of 2.7 million Poles, 1.3 million Ukrainians, and an estimated 2.8 million Soviet war prisoners. In addition, the Nazi regime abducted approximately 12 million people from across the German occupied Europe for use as slave labour in the German industry. German military war casualties have been estimated at 5.3 million, and around 900,000 German civilians died; 400,000 from Allied bombing, and 500,000 in the course of the Soviet invasion from the east. Around 12 million ethnic Germans were expelled from across Eastern Europe. Germany lost roughly one-quarter of its pre-war territory."

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