I design my own products that you can find in the showroom, but sometimes, you can ask for a personal design, especially for the ergonomy, the fashion and the production. I work with fee contracts to not discourage you from asking for a design and to offer the designing process its optimum chance of success. Anything I design is considered a creation, unless you come with your own creation.
I work for designers and can assist in their process to finalize a product. The fee contract will define the material before the beginning of the mission, at the end of the mission and the percentage of the creation from each part. This is a partnership which intends to bring a product to its success.
I have various techniques to make a pattern. I use existing patterns and I use Sunburst patterns which I customize accordingly to my needs. I usually make patterns using white cotton, which I find better than paper and that we can re-use on several models. I make also patterns out of plastics and cardboards. I use paper to shape the details and to copy those details on the pattern. All my patterns use temporary adhesives to get the best quality of cuts.
I am graduated in architecture and have a natural vision of 3D dimensional shapes. I have a good knowledge of the geometry, the maths and hand-crafting.
The biggest prototype I have made was an innovative house two story of 41' x 28'. The smallest was few inches only. I can make prototypes for fashion cloth, apparels, covers for cars, bikes, tents, shaders, etc... I can manage a team and work with external entities such engineers and manufacturers. I can also manage a production from scratch to the shop.
I make small production for designers. On every small production, I make a prototype with the materials that you will use for the production so I can make a price accordingly to the quality that you expect. I don't make any "easy job". I love the quality and the meticulous realization of your models. Every prototypes for small production are the double price of one product as expected to cost on production. I usually bring my expertize, advice, recommendations and corrections on your initial project.
Large productions are usually the result of a small production success. Most the job has already been done, but we have to manage the production, the materials, the techniques, adapt a small production to a big one and keep the quality of a final prototype. I can help on every stage of the process since I have a network in Los Angeles that can assist me on this process.