Counter attack of the Jihad
Would we let a criminal to write a book urging readers to crime? Would we let a pedophile write a book inviting to child rape? Would we authorize the sale of a book glorifying slavery?
>>> The answer is yes, as we let the Koran being sold and be distributed without modification, coercion, alert and prevention.
I begun to write the following post few days ago, but I had to think before I finish and post it :
" With the raise of ISIS, Islam has become more than ever a subject to debate freely and openly. Many people use to say "there is no moderate Islam, but there are moderate Muslims", and I don't believe that. I have been working in Indonesia where there are different kind of Islam and I have been living in France, where there are many Sunni communities, and from both experience, I do not believe that there is any moderate Muslim because the power of the community is stronger, and the rules of the community are Islam.
During my travels, I have been living with Muslim people, I had Muslim friends and have I have some personal experience that brought me to share also my paycheck. I was not an "observer". I was involved in the people good and wealth. And people are people, whatever the religion is, children still be children, women still be women and men are men. I have been working on very extremes areas, having to deal with very extreme people, and anyway, I do believe that the people are moderate when they leave one part of themselves. Before we can learn from other people's culture, we must leave part of ours and for the deal to be fair, it must work on both sides.
Experiencing the life with Muslim people was some parts of my learning. I must say that the people have always been good to me, but experience has shown me also that they were not acting like "Muslims" to me, because I was not Muslim. There were acting like people would act each other when trying to be friends, and that's very different because they had to be tolerant with me as much as they were expecting me to be tolerant with them.
Since the war in Iraq in 2003, the world has learnt that there were two kinds of Muslims, the Sunni and the Shia, that the Shia were a majority in Iraq, but that the people have lived oppressed under Saddam Hussein (and I would say France, see this book description on Amazon "France urged Saddam to commit genocide"). The war with Syria has shown the urge of Saudi Arabia to change the power in Syria, the raising of ISIS and the collapse of the Jasmine revolution falling into extremes. The power has change hands, but the rules are still very sharp to the people.
When trying to understand the beginning of Islam, many questions are raising. Is Mohammed a real prophet? Why so many crimes? Why so many sins? Why are the people so blind to see how wrong the Jihad is ?
I would not have answers to any of my question, and since I am not Muslim, I shall not feel concern if the world would not be in bad shape. The threat of wars, blind terrorism, destructions, even the many pollutions of this world are a concern, and I would not feel close to God if I would not dare to ask all those questions.
When I was in Indonesia, I have learnt one thing from the people. They call it "dalihan na tolu", the three stones. You cannot make a fire and cook the meal with one stone, not even with two. You need at least three stones to boil the water. And I believe that moderate Islam is the third stone.
We cannot expect the Muslim people to leave Islam because they would feel lost and they would prefer to support the agony rather than leave their community, their family and relatives. That's what happen with moderate Islam, and some of them fear the death for willing to quit extremes. Then, if moderate people cannot be moderate in Islam as it is now, something new must happen, and I believe that this is time for a new branch of Islam, more friendly, more open to a debate, to modernity, to human rights and to the real purpose of faith, God and religion.
Sunni and Shia have failed being friendly out any economical deal. They buy the friendship of the other countries with their oil, but there is no common links between each other. They fear each other and there are good reasons to fear each other. I believe that a "new branch of Islam" would leave more space for the people to leave the tyranny of both Sunni and Shia and find the real path of faith.
Imagine the West in the middle of this debate !
Radical Islam is focused on the Koran which all of it was manmade. This is a kind of adoration that brings to the many crimes all around the Middle East. Muhammad was a man, he was not a God. He shall not be followed as if God made him a rule. He was neither a rule, neither an example. He could have be someone to bring the people think, leave their old believes and find the new ones, but the old polytheist fashion still be a rule in modern Islam, especially in Mecca.
The lone-wolves of Islam commit the acts in support of a group and because they are inside a community that once have supported them. Some analysts (see this document) see that a rupture with the community may bring them to commit the acts that reinforce their link to the group they support. In other terms, this is a pathology, and the illness is inside Islam, inside its Muhammadan roots and its evolution."
I have been thinking hard since I begun this post. What happened in Tennessee leaves me with that feeling that the Koran must be changed and that a counter terrorism attack would be to re-write the book because it would involve the moderate Muslim community, at least, force them to stand a position. I have been thinking also that to re-write the book is kind of adventure, and it could be made a film between fiction and documentary.
I have made an OCR of the first translation of the Koran from Arab to English. George SALE has made this translation. Voltaire has been using it to make his own book about Mahomet. Using
PDF x-change viewer, I have planned to erase all the parts of the Koran that are anti-constitutional, against the human rights and against the peace among the people, them being Muslim or not. I will erase what I reject from the Muslim people. I am now page 31. You can download the full document here : Part 1 - Part 2. You can also join this project by making your own selections of the Koran you reject.
To rewrite the Koran is a strong political act because Islam from Saudi Arabia and Iran use the Koran as a political tool. France also use it as a political tool (see the bibliography). And politic correctness becomes a political tool in the hands of the enemy. We cannot expect from any government to make the decision to erase the anti-constitutional part of the Koran, but any government of the West cannot forbid the people. The army cannot fight on the faith, but faithful people can. International companies won't fight, because they use Islam as a money (see the bibliography), but still, the people can. I believe also that this is the kind of project that would unite the American people to face the hidden enemy.
Islam is said to have its origin in the Christian Church, but they have rejected the Church and they wrote their own book. I believe that every Christian have the right to re-write the Koran, because this is the only way to not reject the people of Islam, not discriminate, not insult, not accuse and not bring the responsibility of terrorism on all the Muslim people. What make them suspect and responsible is the Koran and the example of the prophet Muhammad. If Muhammad would have be an example, it would only have been a bad one. This must be said and be written.
I won't make any citation of the Koran, because I do not want to play their game using the terror for proselytism. I will only erase what I reject inside the book and this reject might also explain how tolerance can grow.
Here you have the full selection of books:
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