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The assassination of journalists


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verb (used with object), assassinated, assassinating.

1. to kill suddenly or secretively, especially a politically prominent person;murder premeditatedly and treacherously.

2. to destroy or harm treacherously and viciously: to assassinate a person's character.

Definition from the British dictionary on :



verb (transitive)

1. to murder (a person, esp a public or political figure), usually by asurprise attack

2. to ruin or harm (a person's reputation, etc) by slander




1. defamation; calumny : rumors full of slander.

2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report : a slander against his good name.

3. Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

verb (used with object)

4. to utter slander against; defame.

verb (used without object)

5. to utter or circulate slander.

During the year 2014, 61 journalists were killed. 15% were covering corruption, 16% were covering crime, 5% were covering culture, 54% were covering human Rights, 69% were covering politics and 59% were covering war. The data are from this page: . There are many colors, the website is beautiful, but this is false. There would be 218% journalists killed during 2014, which is no sense. The deadliest countries were:

Syria: 17

Ukraine: 5

Iraq: 5

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: 4

Somalia: 4

Brazil: 3

Paraguay: 3

Afghanistan: 3

Pakistan: 3

India: 2

Mexico: 2

Philippines: 1

Myanmar: 1

Libya: 1

Democratic Republic of the Congo: 1

South Africa: 1

Yemen: 1

Egypt: 1

Bangladesh: 1

Guinea: 1

Nothing about Europe, Russia or America. Could it be real that politics don't kill in Western and Russian countries ?

Something has changed since the raise of ISIL in Iraq. During the second Gulf War 2003 in Iraq, the bombings were filmed, the attacks against American troops were filmed, and they were filmed by journalists, professional people working for registered news papers who were there, at the exact time, when American soldiers were killed. I made some records during 2003, and the journalists who have filmed, mostly were from Reuters, APP, and Al Jazeera. This TV channel has been created during Gulf War II, and has become now a professional channel.

If you make a research on Google with the words "American tank explosion Iraq", you will have full pages of results. You can make a record on the name of the journalists and the agencies. The military tank, who brought World War II in the international race for oil has become a weakness for most military forces. In France, the Muslim suburbs are full of rockets. If someday, something happen, a revolution or a civil war, the French military tanks would not be able to ride, enter the city and protect any troops. The rules of war have changed. They were military, they become "intelligent", not because of the rockets, but the many devices that may activate the power inside the rocket.

The pictures on Google show villagers, ordinary poor people making long distance activated bombs. People recording the pictures and using the pictures as a weapon. Those people have been trained to make the bombs and command them. Those people also have been trained to get the information, and they have been trained to use the information. They obey orders and they are paid to obey the orders. Life and staying alive is usually the price.

Some of them may be "local resistants", but the Iraq war has shown that many resistants were coming from Syria, North Africa and Europe. ISIL was not even a concept during Gulf War II, but the anger and the many supports from many parts of the World made it to become a concept. From a concept, it became an organization and then an army. ISIL is not a country but it is a real "civil military army", a mixture of "intelligent trainers", civil people engaged as military and mercenaries.

The Iraqi secret agency was called the Mukhabarat. It was primarily concerned with international intelligence collection and analysis. It also performed many activities inside Iraq and after the American troops entered Bagdad, the main resistance was organized by Saddam Hussein and his troops, with Mukhabarat means mainly. After the death of Saddam Hussein, the Mukhabarat remained a secret organization and the raise of ISIL with a Caliph from Fallujah, the cradle of Iraqi resistance, make a sense in the way it works today.

The Caliph is a young man who grew up in Fallujah, with the hate and the education of hate from his surrounding people. There is no need having any external "Intelligence Agency", the Iraqi Mukhabarat, made it itself. The Caliph trains the children like he was trained himself and he feels having a "spiritual mission", because he was raised in Iraq on the memorial of Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was a Ba'athist. The ideology of the former Ba'ath party is the root of the Islamic State.


This is an abstract from "Le sang du pétrole: essai de géopolitique. Irak" from Pierre Marie Gallois. The last sentense is the more important. It comes from the speach of Saddam Hussein on September 9th, 1975. He said "the nuclear deal with France is the first concrete step towards the production of nuclear Arabic weapons". And this war with ISIL is not the war of an Islamic State. This is a war of some Arabic people, trying to involve Muslim people into a global war. They cannot make it racial, but the backgroung is mostly racial rather than religious.

QUESTION (fiction, this could be a book) : The Arab population disappears because of one chromosome that destroys the vital function of the young adults. The doctors call the chromosome "The Caliph". Only remain on earth the non Arab Muslims. What happens? What would be the story ?

The death of the many journalists bring information about the way the organization of ISIL may work. The beheadings are a way to scare the other journalists who would come for spying (getting information) or trying to change the Islamic State system (communicate and finance the people). This is a message to say that foreign journalists are forbidden, but this is also a message to say, which journalists are not forbidden. Who are the journalists that the organization trust, and which countries are behind.

From the links of Mukhabarat outside of Iraq before the Gulf War II, we can know the links of Mukhabarat during the resistance and during the raise of ISIL. The creation of ISIL was probably made at the same time with Gulf War II but the network started long before 2003. The intensification of the international network of Mukhabarat probably started just after the First Gulf War, when the commercial links from Europe to Middle East were broken with Gulf War I. The corruption of Western countries linked to the oil trade of Iraq probably shows the strongest links of Mukhabarat in Europe.

When Iraq has fallen on the Gulf War II and when the international "trade" of Mukhabarat with Western countries has sunk, then started the raise of anger, the raise of ISIL and the particular concept of an "Islamic State". Europe runs inside and probably to disturb the stability that would raise Iraq, trade and particularly oil trade. The war between ISIL and Syria is unclear, but both sides win from the disturbing war. They maintain the western countries outside, particularly America and Great Britain, they manage the population with fears and murder, they grow outside of Iraq and they raise a concept that particularly motivate them, the hate of the Jews and the hate of America.

The incoherence between the speech of Islam, the rules of Islam and the rules of the Islamic State comes mainly because of the foundations of the state itself from a political party mixed with a secret agency. This is a replica of Gaullism after World War II, and its many actions in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The religion is used "on purpose", and they accommodate themselves with their own belief. The purpose of Gaullism is sat on sovereignty and when we observe the many effects of the war on Ukraine, Iraq and Syria, we can see one Europe in the Middle of the table willing to arbitrate the world.


An other picture outside the "chateau".


After the killing of the journalists of Charlie Hebdo, the picture became even bigger.


How to fight this ?

I would say by not fighting. The weapons have no other need than kipping them were they are, close the door and leave them inside. This is a Biblical mean to not kill the enemy but to encompass him. A war with ISIL would fuel their action, it would raise more anger and make many death. We must change them from inside, tell who they are, what they do, and why they are wrong. We cannot judge if they are good or bad, but we can say when the disorder brings no where the people want to go. We must switch their mind and show that America is not at war with Islam, but that we believe a different way and that we have our own rights. We must fight ISIL from outside, discourage the people who would have reasons to buy weapons, send fighters and raise anger.

I said "we", I would not say westerners. I believe that some westerners are involved in the disorder because it fuels the politics, some kind of economy, some kind of trade too. Some westerners are European, some of them are even American, and some others are Russian. I consider Russia as westerners because they are mainly Christian, like I would say a black or Latin American. The religion is the root of a kind of culture, and the ISIL war is a religious war. When Islam is involved, it becomes also politics.

Europe and America are two opposite sides of westerners, because some of them are Catholics, some of them are Protestants and to make the world global, some Russian are Orthodoxes. Their relation to Israel is very different from one other, but mainly, the European root of the Catholic church would love to rule Israel. There is a ambivalence in the war, a very secret hope that the raise of Islam and that the fear of Islam would guide the world back to the Church to stop the disorder, that of extremes modernism against extreme barbarism. Between extremes, there is the Church while Israel fuels it. Slandering Israel makes many people happy, and when the people are happy, they choose the good politics that make them more happy. Lastly, this is always a game.


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