One people
Since January 7th, 2015, the freedom of speech has become a real subject, because the horror has raised individual questions about the relation of the people each other with their believes in a global society. Some drawings have raised the anger, and the answer to this anger has been violence, then the answer to the violence was demonstrations and the answer to those demonstrations have become a political picture.
The question has become, "do we have a real freedom of speech ?", and the threat from Islamism would say "no". But do we ask the right questions? Do the governments and the newspapers really have a freedom of speech with or without any Islamism threat. I believe not. Islamism has raised a problem that is more deep, that concerns our public relations, our economies and our links with the modern world, America, with Europe, Asia and Africa.
France and England have hated each other for centuries. America has inherited this hate, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. Each country wants to protect its own culture, economy, finance, politics in a world made of competitions. Hard competitions. Finance is walking on the eggs.
The people have moved along history, and there were reasons for these moves. America was not created with the eccentricity of one man, but because there were some economical challenges that needed expenses, investments, settlements and lastly developments. America was not made on a belief, but on a need to keep the Old World prosperous and strong.
The Old World was made of many cultures, but mainly only few big civilizations, that of Europe, Middle East and Asia. Those civilizations rose on the believes of political, economical, and social standards that religions very largely explain. Christian, Muslim and "Asian Cultures" were the big families, with Hinduism and Buddhism from Asia. But those were not only religions, they were also territories. Among those territories, Judaism was the fourth pillar.
The Middle East has been unstable since Persian invasions, and some cultures have been more invasive than others. Muslim people have always be invasive, as Persians were before, then Greeks and Roman. The world has inherited from a very old dark history. This history has forged the minds, the fears, the hopes and the habits. It has become a culture.
The silk road was the line between all the cultures and the Trade has become a way to move along the line. People have learnt each other, became rich from each other and have progressed from those exchanges. Once, Muslim countries decided to rule the Silk Road and to cut it. This has been the main motivation to discover America.
America was created with the willing to be free from the rules of a market they did not control any more. After the Silk Road on Earth, the Silk Road overseas was created with men and women who braved the Oceans and their fears. They braved their own destiny. They were going to a new world and they made it, from their heart and their believes.
After September 11th, 2001, this world has changed. Conspiracy, Oil Trade, CIA, FBI, politics, governments, banks... every high level of the country has become suspicious. American people did no more trust their own neighbors and the country of freedom has become a country of fears. Homeland security has become some kind of word that did not really mean fighting terrorism. Some people saw the borders as a fence they could not defend. How sad is this on the level of terrorist attack ? I would say red, very red, because the terror has reach one goal to divide the people.
I am physically in the United-States and I am asking for the US Citizenship and changing land may raise the question louder. Is this freedom when people no more trust themselves ? I shall have asked the question in my own country, but the case is lost there. There is no freedom. America is a dream I had and I still have because of the freedom I can reach. I was in an invisible prison, America takes me out.
Coming to America with a dream, I cannot leave my dreams behind. They are here alive and I have crossed the Ocean as many people before. But I crossed it with the very old dream to stay free from an Old World made of very old fashion competitions. America was a way of progress before and it still be a way of progress if the people trust it. But only if the people trust it for the good they can bring to the other world.
I am one people among many others, and I have decided to write, draw and say what I have to say about my understanding of this very Old World. International conventions, public relations and social politeness keep the world quiet because the undergrounds are dark. But people are dying, and I cannot involve myself in any emergency without trying to understand.
I shall write as a student writing his own thesis. From my knowledge, I have enough information to write the hypothesis and all my study will be about the thesis. My hypothesis shall be very short :
"The competition between colonialist countries made World War 1 and World War 2. The United-Nations have been created after World War 2 to prevent the world from a third World War. Israel has been created after World War 2, and the first day of independence, Arab countries have broke the International laws with making war to Israel. Later, the General de Gaulle has supported the Arab countries against Israel because he valued economical interests higher than social and international rules. Maybe Israel has extended its territory after those territories became a threat to its own territory. France has sold a nuclear plant to Iraq, despite the war and the unstable situation of the Middle East. France has been involved in both sides of the Iran / Iraq war.
The First Gulf War was made with International agreement, but France has lost about 4 milliards francs market with Iraq. International forces have taken the control of Iraq and the Oil For Food Program was created by the United-Nations. The first Gulf War was presented to the US congress on September 11th, 1990, and on September 11th, 2001, the World Trade Center has collapsed after two planes crashed in the towers.
The second Gulf War has started on March 19th, 2003. It is said that this war raised ISIL. I rather believe that international trade competition raised it from international companies fighting for the oil, the gas and political powers. The financial administration, banks, governments and people have walked on the blade to survive the competition and psychological terror is the other way to make the competition.
The consequences are many, social, religious, economical, political, military, etc... etc... The world has changed since 2001 and social changes have very deep consequences. A thesis would not be a thesis without solutions, suggestions and experiments so, I will write also my proposals. I want to make the demonstration that Mother Nature is the real power over any other kind of leadership and weapons. I want also to make the demonstration that Love is above any other religion. I want to make the demonstration that America can win this war, because it was a dream, it is still a dream and it must still a dream to the world."