I compile here a chronology of dates that I feel important to know to understand modern history. I might update this post and I might write some posts specific to those dates.
October 7th, 3761 BC - First day of the Hebraic calendar, the creation of the world.
3150 BC - 2850 BC - First Egyptian dynasty
2540 BC - Construction of the Cheops pyramid
2104 BC - Noe Arch
1395 BC - Birth of Aaron
1392 BC - Birth of Moise
1312 BC - Israeli people exit of Egypt
1272 BC - Death of Moise
1200 BC - Birth of Israel
560 BC - Birth of Buddha
550 - 486 BC - Darius of Persia
356 - 323 BC - Alexander the Great
27 BC - Beginning of the Roman empire
000 - Birth of Jesus
476 - End of the Roman empire
570 - Birth of Mahomet
636 - 638 - Israel is taken by Omeyyades then Abbassides
1090 - First use of the marine compass
1096 - 1099 - First crusade decided by Urbain II, in France, Clermont Ferrand
1099 - 1260 - Crusaders, mostly "francs" govern Israel
1260 - Israel taken by Mamelouks
1453 - Fall of Constantinople to the Turkish Ottoman Empire
1492 - Christopher Colombus discover America
1776 - Independance of the United-States
October 27th, 1790 - France adopts a decimal system
March 19th, 1791 - The Meter is created
1793 - The National Convention adopted the proposal of the meter
1798 - 1801 - French campaign in Egypt and Syria to undermine Britain's access to India
1798 - Mamelouks soldiers enter the French Army
March 21th, 1804 - Creation of the French civil code, also called the "Napoleonic Code"
1855 - 1901 - Development of the oil industry
1875 - Signing of the international Metre Convention
July 2nd, 1890 - Sherman Anti-trust Act
September 27th, 1908 - First Ford T made in Detroit
October 15th, 1914 - Clayton Anti-trust Act
1914 - 1918 - First World War
1927 - Balfour Declaration
1939 - 1945 - World War II
October 24th, 1945 - Creation of the United Nations
November 29th, 1947 - Plan of partition of Palestine
May 14th, 1948 - Independance declaration os Israel
May 15th, 1948 - Arab countries declare the war to Israel
September 14th, 1960 - Creation of OPEC
1967 - De Gaulle supports Arab countries against Israel
1967 - Creation of ASFA in France (Association de Solidarité Franco-Arabe)
1971 - Nationalization of oil production from Algeria and Saudi Arabia
1974 - Jacques Chirac calls Saddam Hussein "un ami personnel"
1976 - France sells Osirak to Iraq, a civil nuclear experimental program
September 1980 - Beginning of Iran - Iraq war
1985 - Creation of association des Amitiés Franco-Irakiennes (AFI)
March 16th, 1988 - Halabja chemical attack
August 1988 - End of the Iran - Iraq war
1990 - Iraq invades Koweit
September 11th, 1990 - U.S. President George H. W. Bush sums up the reasons to go on war against Saddam Hussein
1991 - First war in Iraq, also called the "Gulf War"
May 7 th, 1995 - Jacques Chirac becomes the President of France
July 11th 1995 - Terrorist attack in Paris
September 11th, 2001 - World Trade Center attacked by terrorists
September 21th, 2001 - Terrorist attack in Toulouse, France
May 2002 - Presidential elections, Jacques Chirac becomes President with the votes from the left
March 19th, 2003 - Second War in Iraq
2004 - Creation of Al Jazeera, France restores its relationship with Iraq
2007 - Nicolas Sarkozy becomes the president of France
December 17th, 2010 - The Jasmin revolution
March 19th, 2011 - Harmattan operation
May 6th, 2012 - François Holland becomes president
April, 2013 - ISIL starts conflics in Iraq
January 7th, 2015 - Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack