Everything on theosdoron.com is about my art so I will not elaborate in this forum, unless you have questions and you wish to engage a conversation about my artwork. What I hope to find here are pictures and writing of other artists who might be inspired from my own work or who would like to share something new that is related to the same subjects as theosdoron.com.
Art is not my way of living. Art is only a complement, that if ever I sell, might pay some of my materials, website and my costs for writing, but my wish is and has always been to stay free from the burden of productive art. I don't want to be an artisan in art, mastering a technique to make identical piece of work that customers may ask. I want to create what I feel to create at the time I am creating, what means that I have another job. I am a Carpent'Hers, which is a philosophy by itself on which I might elaborate later. As a Carpent'Hers, this is one of my late realizations.
One of my dreams was to build a chapel. I just made a pergola this time, but the lights and the shadows are close to enlarge the frame into a bigger picture. I have many other projects, and I hope to hear from yours.