I think I have always tried to be one of those women who make history. It is not something that I have done consciously or that I have been willing to do, but most likely my life, my experience of life since childhood has brought me to fight for a change. I have grown fighting, I became an adult fighting, I am getting old fighting too. What I fight for are my rights as a woman. I have so many things to say about my own experience that I will try to elaborate here, as one of those women who were the first in something.
You can read this page before you read anything else I write in this forum: https://www.theosdoron.com/about
You can also follow the links on this page: https://www.theosdoron.com/book
A while ago, I have given interviews to newspapers, radio shows and TV shows and I have always been very surprised with the kind of questions that were asked to me. I was doing my things because I followed a dream, I followed my ideas, I worked hard to elaborate my ideas into concepts and demonstrations, but I never realized that my experience was the same as a dancer. Behind the stage, there are a lot of efforts and on the stage, everything looks fluid, easy and natural. It did not look easy or natural to the public and neither did it to me but at some point, what I have done created a separation between me and other women that seamed to be inaccessible for them while they believed that it was easy and natural to me and only to me, not to them. One of my goals as a Carpent'Hers is to demonstrate that my difference is not to be a woman, but my difference is to have ambitions. In the kind of ambitions that I put into my perspective, there is a world of architecture, and I am no more different than any men architect and carpenters are to the other men, but I am not a carpenter also. I am a Carpent'Hers, farther than building something for myself or for my customers and for an individual purpose, I try to put my experience into a bigger scenario. This scenario is womanhood in History.