Since I arrived in LA, I have had several job positions as a personal assistant, mostly on short missions, for single parents, during their life transitions. Each time, I have been cooking and taking care of the pets.
I cook since always. My godmother has been cooking for 3 castles, and she taught me a lot. Her husband and her father where both gardeners, not as a job, but as a duty to feed the family. My father was not that much of a cook, but each time we had family parties, she has done her best with her cooking books and I have learnt recipes that where not "in the family". My nanny and her husband were both great cooks with their own world of recipes.
I come from France, the Loire Valley precisely. Food is in my blood literally. The Loire Valley is the center of Epicureanism, and I am an Epicurean. I consider food as a way to enhance my spirit, feel better, think better, live better and have a better quality of relationship with people. Food makes a dinner more happy, memorable and with memories, it builds stronger bonds between a family, friends, business partners, associates and sometimes, even people you never know but who smell the same food, get hungry at the same menu, bring your plates in a restaurant or help you choose a good wine. Life is made of little joys and food make those little joys daily.
My experience in America shows how different we people are, and someway, how lucky I have been to grow in the Loire Valley. The Loire Valley is the land of the Queens of France, where most royal castles have been built before Paris became the capital of France. The Loire Valley has been made with all the people working around "this industry of royals" who would expect the best craftsmanship. Food is one of those.
I won't share all my recipes, because a chef never shares, but I will give some recipes that I believe, can help other women to improve their quality of life with little tips, little recommendations, little ideas, little things that come on a daily basis. I live a simple life, still, I try to stay healthy. I am going to share the little tips I use to find the time to cook. You are welcome to join the conversation and add your own posts.