If we look back into the history of Humanity, it is unclear when the monkey became a human, but many factors bring an animal to become most likely like human. Having tears is very often perceived as a way to show sensitivity. Laughing also represents some kind of sensitive perception, but most animals do have tears, laugh, play, have joy and pain. Emotions are not a factor of Humanity but what most likely brings a monkey to become human is the relation the monkey relates himself and his siblings to death, the afterlife, the rest of the body, the feeling of a soul, the hope of a soul.
If you see an animal facing the death of his siblings, you will see pain, despair, depression, incomprehension, solitude, sorrow and sadness. The animal understands that his sibling has changed nature, that the flesh of the body becomes cold, solid like stone then rotten and stinky. This is no more resembling anything but dust and bones. An animal will still remember his sibling alive but he will forget the dead one. It is usually marked as a proof of evolution when the monkey started to build a grave, then to leave food and gifts for his dead ones. That's when the afterlife became somehow the beginning of a form of humanity showing the belief that the body maybe dead but that the soul inside the body maybe had survived. If there is an afterlife, if there is a soul, if there is a form of energy, then Humanity started to imagine what it is.
The soul is like an invisible character living inside the flesh and this character has its temper. Sometimes it wants to get sick. Sometimes it wants to sleep. Sometimes it has dreams. Sometimes, it can be good or bad, leading to good or bad decisions. Shamans were to the primitive world what priests are to the modern world, and the difference is a matter of philosophy.
The nature of the monkey has changed every time he found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time, confronting himself to the real nature. Like bugs will adapt chemicals that you spray to kill them, the monkey has adapted all kind of hostilities. The most effective changing has been confronting himself to the desert where there were no trees to climb, where the sand was easy to dig but also easy to transform like a plaster with a little bit of water. In Egypt, the monkey had the sand and the water just like in Mesopotamia, and maybe it took two different places to grow a monkey, close enough to emulate and far enough to develop independently.
The sand and the rivers have settled the monkey. He became a peasant, a merchant and a city builder. He started to trade, to create a value that diversified human activities. While one monkey would grow wheat, the other monkey would extract steel and copper. They would trade food against tools and start a society. Still, it would be a society of monkeys, what ever the tricks they can do to dress, to talk and to develop an industry. Humanity has grown on different roots than the monkey and this is what the Lady Philosophy has done.
Some day, it took one woman in the East, one Woman in the West and one woman in the middle to capture the spent of time between two places. The sun would indicate the time, and the space in between two different times would indicate a length. This length is related to the time in a proportional ratio that take two "planets", the Earth and the Sun. The Lady Philosophy was probably a Shaman at the beginning. She started to relate the Sun to the Earth and with her philosophy, she created the numbers. She gave a value to natural phenomenas that we still call nowadays the ratios of Pi and Phi.
One day, the Lady Philosophy has stopped to be a Shaman to teach what she had discovered. She had to elaborate concepts, imaginary, representations that any other monkey would understand. She had to simplify her own concepts to make them understandable because deep inside her, she felt that if the monkey would know and understand, he would become more likely a human. With her teaching, the Lady Philosophy became a priest and with her geometry, she created the concepts of a God, something that relates to the mechanic of the planets, of the light, of the life and of course if there is life, she related this geometry to the world of death too.
The geometry became an architecture, but it took generations of builders to understand how Pi and Phi would become a symbol. From straw, the builders started to build with stones and from small stones, they started to use bigger stones. The first monument on Earth that translates all the concepts together is the pyramid of Cheops. The pyramid is a scaled representation of life on the Earth.
To capture all the beauties at once that truly represent the sense of a God, The Lady Philosophy had to create a language and she had to chose who would receive this language, those who would have a soul to receive it. She could not have been polytheist because she had elaborated the concept of the fulltitude, the infinite compass.
The imaginary she had used as a language would be understood by an educated human, while a monkey would only see the surface of all things. In someway, while she created the human believer, she also created the monkey believer who on his own, became another kind of human.
There are the humans who see Thot as a bird and the humans who see Thot as a representation of the scale that put humanity on Earth. The feather that comes from the bird is the feather that writes and draws concepts, it is the imaginary that drives the soul to meditate, to transcend his feelings into ideas and his ideas into the concept of a philosophy, something that gravity does not attach to the ground, something that flies and fades in the light. Humanity has created poesy and there would not be any poesy is there would not have been a God.
God is a concept that Lady Philosophy has translated into a mechanic, and this mechanic would have eyes, like a bird would have eyes, like a cow would have eyes, like other people related to each other would have eyes. If a cow is not fed with grass and love, she does not give the milk and in the very concept of love, there is the concept of a soul.
It takes sometimes several ideas to explain one concept, and ideas are only pictures, the cosmography of the elements. If Isis would have had wings, she would have flied all the way from East to West to capture the light, to capture the life, to give birth to this kind of humanity that became knowledgeable.
Isis has become this symbol of motherhood that Christianity named Mary. The Pharaoh became the hight priest and the hight priest became Jesus. It took several generations of philosophers to elaborated this concept of motherhood but the first to name Lady Philosophy was Boethius, the man who deposed the last Roman Emperor.
As you see, we still have many ideas to share, many philosophies, many informations, many new discoveries, but what's important and this is why I created this forum, what's important is to never stop searching. It is the research that makes us human. The knowledge by itself is only an imaginary.